If the killer owns Battlefield Premium, another banner will appear below the information banner saying PREMIUM PLAYER. However, the Killcam also shows the player's dogtags, the number of service stars the killer has with both the weapon/vehicle and the kit they are using at the time, and the Attachments or vehicle specializations they have equipped on the weapon or vehicle. The information banner at the top of the screen will display the killer's name, health, kit, rank, and the weapon or vehicle they used to kill the player, plus their K/D ratio against that player. Soon after, the camera will switch and follow the killer for a few seconds before going back to the deployment screen.
Immediately after dying as an infantry, a death animation will play, showing the player character dropping their weapon and falling to the right, dropping their left hand in front of their face.
The Killcam in Battlefield 3 is the nearly the same as the Killcam in previous iterations.